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Flooding Success Steps

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Steps for Successful Project Development:



Step 1

Develop an overall project goal.

  • What issue would you like to address?
  • What would you like your project to accomplish?
  • How will your project benefit the environment and community?


Step 2

Look for potential partners in your area with compatible goals and alignment with the project idea.

  • Define roles and responsibilities.
  • Do they have specific expertise, contacts in the community, volunteer help, office space, outreach, other in-kind contributions?
  • What are their needs?
  • How will you communicate and agree on issues? Clarity at this stage will reduce problems later. 
  • Establish agreements (e.g. memoranda of understanding, letters of support, etc.) to formalize partnerships.


Step 3

Work together to develop SMART objectives:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

Choose objectives that you and your partners can manage with the time and resources available. This step will also help to determine partner contributions. NOAA provides a guide to writing SMART Objectives.



Step 4

Brainstorm and select a site/area.

  • Think about factors such as support by the community, residents, and others.
  • What else is happening in the area that could support the project?
  • What is occurring on the nearby shoreline that could enhance or diminish the project?
  • Consider whether project is scalable. For example, what the likely effects of sea level rise and climate change would be on the site, etc.
  • Conduct site analyses for your selected restoration site. Evaluate factors such as the bank erosion rate and elevation, wave energy, prevailing wind and wave direction, existing vegetation, and soil type.
  • What are potential effects of sea level rise and climate change on the site?

Outreach & Engagement

Step 5

Engage the Community.

  • Conduct outreach to educate and engage local and/or regional stakeholders, regulators, and the community. This will help you finalize your plan. It may also improve your chances of obtaining funding, as many funders like to see a broad base of stakeholders, and confirm that you understand the permitting requirements.


Step 6

Draft the project proposal/plan, including budget and timeline.

  • Remember to use your SMART objectives.
  • Based on your SMART objectives, do you need to evaluate (monitor) the site before and after our work?
  • Do you need to plan for monitoring or adaptive management?
  • This will help with stakeholder engagement and developing proposals if you need to seek outside funding. 


Step 7

Identify potential funding sources.



Step 8

There are several likely kinds of permission you will need, depending on your chosen project. 

  • In all cases, you need permission to access the property and perform the work–even on public land.
  • If the chosen technique includes changing land elevation, you may need to work with a civil engineer or surveyor to prepare designs for federal, state, and/or local wetland permits.
  • See Flooding Project Permitting Information

On The Ground

Step 9

Develop a detailed schedule and logistics for your work, including any monitoring or adaptive management.

  • Consider seasonal impacts, availability of volunteers, etc.
  • Do baseline monitoring and prepare site for restoration.
  • Do restoration project.
  • Do follow-up monitoring, maintenance, and adaptive management.
  • A safety plan is also advisable when working in wetlands, with sharp tools, on hot days, or with harmful chemicals.

You are ready to begin! 


Wrap up

Step 10

Share pictures and outcomes with your partners and supporters. If you received outside funding, you will owe reports to your funders. Enjoy your success!

Be prepared to comply with grant reporting requirements.

Flooding Project Resources:

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