Pacific Southwest Project Resources:
Develop an overall project goal.
Look for potential partners in your area with compatible goals and alignment with the project idea.
Work together to develop SMART objectives:
Choose objectives that you and your partners can manage with the time and resources available. This step will also help to determine partner contributions. NOAA provides a guide to writing SMART Objectives.
Brainstorm and select a site/area.
Outreach & Engagement
Engage the Community.
Draft the project proposal/plan, including budget and timeline.
Identify potential funding sources.
There are several likely kinds of permission you will need, depending on your chosen project.
On The Ground
Develop a detailed schedule and logistics for your work, including any monitoring or adaptive management.
You are ready to begin!
Wrap up
Share pictures and outcomes with your partners and supporters. If you received outside funding, you will owe reports to your funders. Enjoy your success!
Be prepared to comply with grant reporting requirements.
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