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Gulf of Mexico Contacts

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Gulf of Mexico Contacts & Project Partners

Your project may be more successful if you have partners. Partnering with other organizations, businesses, or government agencies may help you obtain funding, share expertise, create a better project plan, spread the workload, and ultimately have a more successful project.

Coastal Restoration Flooding Government Permitting

Local Government Environmental Programs

These may be sponsored by your drainage or stormwater utility, public works department, natural resource agency, mayor’s office, or another local agency.

How to find your local government

To find your local, state, or tribal governments, type the following into a search engine: your state/county and then the type of agency you are wanting to connect with (e.g., local government, tribal representative, state government). For example, search for “Alabama beach restoration permitting” or “New Jersey environmental protection.” Also try using terms that relate to your concern or solution. For example, “Florida coastal flooding help.”  Try different terms, or combinations of terms, such as “grants, restoration, invasive species, marsh, natural resources, volunteers, funding, etc.” It may take a few tries to find the site and information you are looking for.

To find a specific local county office, type the following into a search engine: your local county or city and then the department you are wanting to connect with (e.g., environmental, planning, natural resources). For example, search for “Escambia County coastal management” or “Destin FL natural resources.”

Gulf Area State government environmental programs

State Environmental and Extension Programs

Are there programs to restore your local estuary or coastline? Are there initiatives to help threatened or endangered fish and wildlife? These programs sometimes have grant dollars.

Many states have the following departments, divisions, or commissions, which you can use as internet search terms:

  • Environment/Environmental Quality
  • Fish and Game/Game and Fish/Fish and Wildlife
  • Natural Resources
  • Conservation
  • Ecology
  • Marine Fisheries
  • Parks and Wildlife

Many of these organizations are listed as members of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Your state’s land-grant university may host a SeaGrant program or a Cooperative Extension Service related to agriculture, conservation.  Extension agents can direct you towards helpful resources for your project type.

Community partners

Gulf of Mexico Alliance. Established in 2004, the Gulf of Mexico Alliance address the regions priority issues and manages a large-scale oil spill research program. Their website provides information on the gulf, the distribution of funds following the Deepwater Horizon disaster, and resources on projects and other partners.

Environmental groups
Some may focus on local issues. Others may be local chapters of state or national organizations.

How to find environmental groups

Restore America’s Estuaries is an alliance of 10 community-based conservation organizations focused on coastal restoration.

The Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana is a nonprofit organization dedicated to coastal restoration.

Restore the Mississippi River Delta  is a coalition of environmental organizations working to rebuild coastal Louisiana.

The Gulf of Mexico Alliance is a partnership network dedicated to working on issues common to the Gulf region through providing forums for collaboration, developing and modifying tools to address regional issues, enabling strategic partnerships, and tracking restoration efforts.

The Bayou Culture Collaborative offers a way to connect anyone interested in the intersection of traditional culture, the arts, and science in the face of Louisiana’s land loss.

The Pontchartrain Institute for Environmental Sciences is a multidisciplinary research institute at the University of New Orleans with a focus on addressing coastal and environmental issues.

Wikipedia lists environmental and conservation organizations in the United States.

Neighborhood organizations may be a resource for community outreach and volunteers.

Schools may be a source of volunteers.

Look for local businesses and business organizations that may have a stake in a cleaner environment.

Tribes and Indian Nations should be consulted about coastal restoration projects.

Tribal & Indian Nations

Tribes and Indian Nations should be consulted about their interests in the area of the project.

Potential Tribal Concerns & Resources:

Tribes and Indian Nations may have treaty rights that need to be observed and cultural resource concerns that apply to your project, especially if ground disturbance is involved in your project.

Tribes and Indian Nations often have resources that can help with your project. They often manage monitoring and research projects and that information may be very helpful in the development of your project.

Contact the Tribe’s or Nation’s natural resource department early in the project. Click here for help finding recognized tribes and their leaders or here for help finding non-federally recognized tribes.

Gulf of Mexico Project Resources:

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