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Great Lakes: Tools & Resources

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Tools and Resources

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Habitat Restoration

  • Support fish and wildlife through projects that prevent flooding, stop coastal erosion, improve water quality, or manage invasive species.
  • Great Lakes Commisssion provides information about ongoing restoration work in the Great Lakes Region including their Habitat Restoration Database.
  • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service learning resources
  • NOAA Fisheries provides scientific and technical assistance to help plan, design, and implement effective and efficient habitat restoration projects in coastal and marine habitats across the country.
  • The EPA Great Lakes National Program Office’s Interagency Ecological Restoration Quality Committee published Application of Quality Assurance and Quality Control Principles to Ecological Restoration Project Monitoring to promote the development and application of quality assurance and quality control practices and principles to improve data quality (reliability, integrity, and objectivity) and science-based decision making for ecological restoration projects within the Great Lakes region and beyond.
  • The EPA Great Lakes National Program Office’s Interagency Ecological Restoration Quality Committee hosts a monthly webinar series where presenters from various organizations across the United States share their knowledge, expertise, and examples on topics including field crew testing, inventory and monitoring programs, photographic documentation, quality objectives for observational measurements, adaptive management, climate change impacts, and more.

Habitat Connectivity & Wildlife Corridors

  • Wildlife Corridors are pathways of land, water, and air that serve as natural highways for animals. Existing corridors need to be protected, old ones restored, and new corridors established in order to protect species.
  • Pollinator Pathways is a grassroots movement focused on establishing pollinator-friendly habitat and food sources for bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and other pollinating insects and wildlife along a series of continuous corridors.

Resources for Homeowners

Key Search Terms to Try

Restoration projects may need a range of expertise and resources in areas such as the ones listed below. You may find expertise through local non-governmental organizations working on the issue, government agencies (local, state, or federal), local businesses, or others.

  • Shoreline restoration design
  • Hydrology
  • Hydraulic engineering
  • Erosion control, stabilization, sedimentation
  • Shoreline permitting
  • Ecology: estuarine, marine, shoreline, wetland
  • Flood hazard analysis
  • Geomorphology
  • Monitoring
  • Wetland mapping
  • Volunteer recruitment and management
  • Grant writing and reporting
  • Budget development

Great Lakes Project Resources:

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