Search for local, state, or federal agencies; community groups; environmental organizations; and other non-governmental organizations that may be working on your issues. Here are a few ideas.
Are there state or local programs to restore your local estuary or coastline? Are there initiatives to help threatened or endangered fish and wildlife? Many of these programs look for volunteers to help with restoration projects.
Local programs may be sponsored by your drainage or stormwater utility, public works department, mayor’s office, or another local agency.
To find your local, state, or tribal governments, type the following into a search engine: your state/county and then the type of agency you are wanting to connect with (local government, tribal representative, state government). For example, search for “Alabama beach restoration permitting” or “New Jersey environmental protection.” Also try using terms that relate to your concern or solution. For example, “Florida coastal flooding help.” Try different terms, or combinations of terms, such as “grants, restoration, invasive species, marsh, natural resources, volunteers, funding, etc.” It may take a few tries to find the site and information you are looking for.
Some may be based in your community, with a focus on local issues. Others may be local chapters of state or national organizations.
How to find environmental groups:
Reduce use of plastics and other disposable products that may litter our coasts. Recycle or properly dispose of them.
Use less-toxic products for household cleaning and lawn and garden care.
Properly dispose of products that may wash off into storm drains, such as pet waste, fertilizers, pesticides, cleaning products, and motor oil.
Choose native species of tree, shrubs, flowers, and plants for your landscape. These are favored by local species of birds, bees, and wildlife.
If you live on the shoreline, choose a softer, “living” shoreline approach rather than a bulkhead or other hard surface.
Visit your coast to enjoy its scenic beauty. Take children and others with you so they learn to love it too. People will advocate and work for places they love.
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