Everyone should have a rain garden! Here’s a short presentation by Kristin Andres, associate director for education at the Association to Preserve Cape Cod, about the value rain gardens and how...
40+ Years of Wetland Restoration in the San Francisco Bay, Coastal Conservancy
The evolution of tidal wetland restoration approaches in SF Bay, illustrated by specific projects, such as Sonoma Baylands, the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project, and Lower Walnut Creek and...
This is the #11 video in the “Protecting What You Love” series created by Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council. Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) is a native to Europe and Asia...
A collection of videos specific to Phragmites and how to distinguish native vs. invasive, methods of spread, management strategies and techniques, and the importance of early detection and rapid response.
Invasive Cattail Harvesting to Restore Marsh Biodiversity
A team of researchers based at the University of Michigan Biological Station is using a $500,000 federal grant to test a novel approach for restoring the biological diversity of Great Lakes coastal...
Little Things Big problems: Invasive Plants in Our Parks
National Parks are known for being beautiful natural native areas. What you may not know, threatening each of these national treasures are scores of invasive plants prepared to crowd out, smother,...
This two-part documentary takes viewers below the surface of the world’s largest freshwater ecosystem, discussing the non-native species of plants, fish, invertebrates and microscopic organisms that...
How to develop an invasive species restoration project This is a 2 part video series from Minnesota, but the information provided is applicable to all project development and was specifically...
How to develop an invasive species restoration project This is a 2 part video series from Minnesota, but the information provided is applicable to all project development and was specifically...
Presque Isle Coastal Wetland Restoration, Southern Lake Erie, PA
Ducks Unlimited and several partners are removing invasive Phragmites (common reed), replanting with native species, and monitoring the site before and after restoration.
This is the 10th video in the “Protecting What You Love” series created by Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council. Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) is an invasive wetland plant that is...
In the fight against Asian carp and other aquatic nuisance species, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and its project partners have turned to environmental DNA as a new fisheries tool. Environmental...